Training &

Financial Training

Financial Training

Our programs consists of educational training and seminars, for individuals who want to learn how to better manage their money so they can manage their lives to their maximum potential.

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Small Business Training

Small Business Training

Whether you’re a licensed cosmetologist, massage therapist, home health care provider, wedding planner or photographer, small business education is the key to your independence

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Housing Counseling

Housing Counseling

Are you thinking about buying a home, but not sure where to start, especially in challenging economic times? Our programs will allow you to learn the entire home-buying process from start to finish.

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We are here to help you accomplish your goals.

Are you struggling to make ends meet? Would you like to learn how to accomplish more with what you have or just have questions about upcoming financial decisions? Is home ownership or an improved credit score a goal?

We are excited to use our donations and sponsorships for continuing our mission of impacting the local community with great financial and life advice. If you know of anyone that could benefit from our services, please never hesitate to connect them to our team.

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Hear the success stories told at our 2021 Community Impact Breakfast event. Increasing HOPE and changing lives in our community.


We are ever so Grateful for Your Service and Hard Work

I Would like to take this Opportunity to Express my Sincere Thanks and Appreciation for a job Well Done. Thank You so Much for your labor of Love and Your willingness to use your Gifts and Abilities to help others. I believe I-HOPE Women’s Business Center Will Strengthen a Community that is Often Overlooked & Underserved. We are ever so Grateful for Your Service and Hard Work.

Sharlice Aiken

The very first class changed my life

It wasn’t until I first heard Dorothea Bernique, of Increasing H.O.P.E., teach God’s way of money management that I became convicted to change.

Once I began to learn financial management from a Kingdom perspective, I could no longer separate my faith from my finances. God was now not only the Author and Finisher of my faith; He was also the Author and Finisher of my finances! It broke my heart to learn that I was misusing His money. It saddened me to know that I was using His resources for my glory, and not His. My life was turned upside down when I discovered that my God, my Helper, my Hope, was undoubtedly disappointed in me and the way I handled His money. Her teaching and the new book are awesome!


Indeed, you are a blessing to us

For and on half of the St. Andrew’s Church family, I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to you for your services rendered during the summer enrichment program. Words are inadequate to express how grateful we are for the numerous sacrifices you have made in the interest of our young people.

Please be assured that the positive impact that you and others have made on the lives of those young people will never be forgotten (Proverbs 22:6).

Indeed, you are a blessing to us and a heroine to our children. It is our prayer that God will continue to bless you and your family as you serve Him and his children.

Fr. James T. Yarsiah

Thank you so much for sharing your expertise

Dear Dorothea,

Your presentation of “Credit Management & Savings” for our Financial Facelift workshop was extremely well received and informative. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and experience with us.

As you know the Center for Women relies on the support of women all over the community to allow us to continue to provide educational programs and services. We try to provide the information that women need to be successful in both their personal and professional lives. Information is power and many women will make better decisions because they have it. Your contribution of time and talent has provided yet another opportunity for women in this community to learn and inform themselves.

Jennet Robinson Alterman

Your presentation was clear and concise

Thank you for participating in the U.S. Department of Labor Women’s Bureau Wi$e Up teleconference call on February 28, 2005, entitled “Take Stock and Set Your Goals.”

Your presentation was clear and concise, offering practical suggestions to assist our Wi$e Up participants in handling their finances and planning for the future. We believe that this information will contribute toward establishing the basis for financial security for the women taking part in this call.

We appreciate your taking the time to share your expertise and your contribution to the success of Wi$e Up.

Shinae Chun

Thank you so much!

There is a song entitled “God has not Forgot,” well just so you know, we haven’t either. We want to express how much we appreciate all you did in helping to get us into our own home. We’ve been really busy getting settled in but always had you in mind to give back a word of thanks. We don’t want to be like the nine in the scriptures who failed to thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ but rather the one who did go back and give thanks. I know that it’s in your heart to help educate people and bring information to people. Keep on doing what you’re doing, the Lord will Richly Bless you. Thank you so much!

Mrs. C.D. Bright

Mr. & Mrs Chisolm

I would like to take the time to say thank you on behalf of my husband and I. I know that with prayer everything is going to work out in more ways than one, things we can’t even imagine. It’s said everything happens for a reason.

Mr. & Mrs Chisolm

Tremendous blessing

We appreciate the tremendous blessing you have bestowed upon our lives. You have truly helped prepare us to become one.

S & T

May God continue to bless you and your ministry

Just wanted to express my appreciation for you sharing your time and wisdom on having financial peace. I have paid off all my credit cards and plan to have my car paid out ten months early in October. Through your teachings I have started saving each month for my bi-annual car insurance payment.

I will be calling you soon as to the best place to start a money market account.

Holli Horton

Passionate about helping others prosper economically

One stop shop for all your financial needs (homeownership, budgeting, tax prep, H.E.R. Institute, mortgage assistance, credit class, and more)! Ms. Dorothea and #TeamIncrea$e are sincerely passionate about helping others prosper economically

Kat Ponds


Budgeting 101 - Get More Bang for Your Buck

Budgeting 101 - Get More Bang for Your Buck

Thursday, October 24    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Let us help you take control of your money with Budgeting 101! Make budgeting work for you to make your dreams a reality.  And you [...]
Increasing H.O.P.E Orientation

Increasing H.O.P.E Orientation

Thursday, November 14    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Welcome to Increasing H.O.P.E  Orientation This orientation is a chance for you to get to know us and the services that we offer.  Even if [...]
Credit Clean UP

Credit Clean UP

Thursday, November 21    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
If you’ve had a few diversions along the road to financial freedom and you’re looking for information on how to clean up your credit, join [...]
Homebuyer 101

Homebuyer 101

Thursday, December 12    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Purchasing a home may be one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make, and navigating today’s housing market can seem impossible. Homeownership education [...]